Open our eyes, O Lord that we
may behold thy wondrous truth that endureth through all generations.
shall be increased.” --- Daniel 12:4
The 21st century dawned in the Information
Age. It’s an age in which a person may obtain knowledge with just a click of a
button. The adage, “Knowledge is power”
encourages the quest for more knowledge. Many people may believe knowledge itself
brings forth strength and skill. However like water, knowledge is ‘dead’ unless
it is put into action. This is the essence of wisdom and it involves
“The fear of the Lord, that is wisdom;
and to depart from evil is understanding.” --- Job 28:28
Humility puts knowledge into action and allows for
the development of understanding. Humility involves obedience unto the Lord
God. Obedience is the submission and commission unto God from a willing heart. There is no coercion
utilized to bring forth obedience unto God. All actions are done of own
freewill, thereby God is glorified. Man has chastened
himself before the Lord God. Chastened refers to humility. There is a
realization from man that understanding is obtained from teaching and
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations…
Teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you.” ---Matthew 28:19-20
The man who has understanding obtains favor with God
and man. There is a move from believing God to increased trust in the Lord God.
The trust is based on understanding the nature of God and the recognition of
His sovereignty. Faith becomes more than a statement of belief in God. Faith
becomes a confidence in the nature of God. Despite the circumstances or
obstacles, the confident belief is ‘God
is able’. The impossible seems possible. The formidable seems conquerable.
Hope is produced. Whether the outcome is favorable or unfavorable man has the
assurance, ‘God is in control’. Man
has no immature view of God. There is awareness that ‘God is Sovereign’.
speech of a man with understanding is in accordance with the word of God. Man
becomes a true worshipper. Actions
and speech are in agreement. Motives i.e. the intents of the heart are pure.
Man expresses the character of God. Man becomes a living epistle; a living
expression of the word of God. (Now, a word is an expression of thought, has
the power to set events in motion and bring forth the cessation of complacency
and/or stagnation). Man becomes as a ‘pebble-in-a-pond’. The mere presence of a
man with understanding causes ‘ripples’ or events to happen Through no
deliberate effort, his presence motivates others to cease from complacency and
do well. The person is an agent of change. A man with understanding becomes a
real ‘mover and shaker’ whether others do well in pretense or truth i.e. with
pure motives. Man becomes a witness to the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The testimony that declares the Lord God Almighty is the only true and living
God; His character is living and has the power to restore life unto that which
is dead.
“And they overcame him by the blood of
the Lamb, and the word of their testimony.” --- Revelation 12:11
>>>>> Practical Points
Definitions Understanding Vision
Perception Perception
Comprehension Comprehend
Knowing Knowledge
from perceiving
Insight Insight
Elucidating glimpse
discern true nature
a goal and process i.e. the means of
attaining goal
Notice the
similarities between the two lists of definitions.
Notice that
vision requires a goal and a process.
Often the problem many individuals and organizations have when it comes to
formulating a vision is not the goal itself, but the process. Examples may be
observed in many areas of society. The process aspect of vision formulation may
be argued as being the primary source of conflict between different groups in
society. It may be argued that failure to consider the process aspect of vision
formulation may cause serious organizational problems.
Results from lack of: Understanding Vision
Famine Judgment
of God
Easy to be deceived Spiritual eyes
Death Death
Pride Pride
Bigotry Bigotry
Respecter of Persons Respecter
of Persons
understanding of the Lord God
Notice the
similarities between the two lists.
>>>>> Practical Examples
The scripture,
Psalms 19:2 states heaven and earth showeth knowledge. Man has the opportunity
to receive the knowledge daily. The knowledge itself is void unless it is
applied. Science, from the Latin word, ‘scientia’ meaning knowledge, adds value
to any attainment of knowledge when it shows forth the potential application.
The Bureau of
Motor Vehicles i.e. the license branch requires understanding regarding an
individual’s ability to drive a motor vehicle. A person may believe s/he knows
how to drive a car, but the license branch wants an individual to understand
how to drive a car and the responsibilities associated with it. The license
branch offers classes and manuals to provide instruction for the purpose of
obtaining understanding. The attainment of understanding is often measured via
written/computer test (knowledge) and demonstrated via driving test
Vision Problems Organizational Processes
“Where there is no vision, the people
perish.” --- Proverbs 29:18
Myopia Short-term focus/tactical
planning only
Hyperopia Long-term
focus/strategic planning only
Astigmatism Uneven
development of organizational members
Glaucoma Inflexibility;
Slow or lack of response to changes in
Blindness Trial-and-Error
Detached Retina Relational
Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses Consulting (the
difference between two corrective actions is
the relational proximity)
Surgery Re-structuring
>>>>> Focus
Book of Genesis Jeremiah 3:15; 39:7 Joel 2:28
Book of Job Isaiah 26:7 Habakkuk 2:4
Book of Proverbs Hosea 4:6
Book of Psalms Amos 3:3
Luke 2:52 John
1; 4; 5:30 ; 6:38 -40
Romans 1:17-32; 6:23 ; 8:8, 14-17; 12:2 John 14-17
Hebrews 10-11:1 I Corinthians 8 II Corinthians 3:1-3
Galatians 3:11, 26-29; 4:1-7 Ephesians
I Timothy 3:16 James
1:21 -25; 2:20 ; 4:17
II Peter 1:3
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