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Monday, November 14, 2011

Part 1 --- Chapter 2 (Understanding Self)

“Through wisdom is a house buil[t]; and by understanding it is established.”  --- Proverbs 24:3

                The foundation of relationships is understanding. An example that illustrates the idea of understanding being the foundation of relationships is genealogy. Genealogy is more than a discovery of names and dates. Genealogy involves learning about and accepting one’s identity. It’s a glimpse of the family soul. The insight gained allows members to grow beyond fear, denial, doubt, and excused; while moving towards courage, acceptance, blessings, and hope.

                “Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me; I once was lost, but now I’m found; was blind but now I see.” These lyrics to the well known hymn, ‘Amazing Grace’ underscore the spiritual benefits to understanding genealogy. Though man was created in the image of God, he was born in the image of Adam, as a result of the Transgression in the Garden of Eden. Genealogy is a tool to reclaim that which was lost i.e. identity. “What is man that thou art mindful of him, the son of man that thou visiteth him?”

                Man should realize that their identity is more than their pedigree, lineage, and material prosperity. Identity is more than the positive and not-so-positive aspects of life. Identity is more than public perception or public image. When man knows his identity there’s a realization there’s no more ‘hiding’ behind mundane characteristics and labels. Knowing one’s identity involves healthy holistic understanding and acceptance of individual self. Then a person may truly live up to the greatest commandment, “Love thy neighbor as thyself” and fulfill the ‘ministry of reconciliation’.

                There are levels of understanding that forms the foundation for relationships. The levels are not mutually exclusive but inter-dependent. The development is a continual process and provides strength of character inevitably allowing for added strength to the foundation. The common denominator involved in the development of all the levels is respect. The idea of development recognizes there is a maturation process.

Level One: Understanding Self

                In understanding self, there’s a realization of life; that man is a living soul, not an object. Man is ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’. Man has the capacity to act upon his environment not just react to his environment. Man has freewill and is not merely a robot. Through many seemingly innocent philosophies and practices, the soul’s adversary wants man to view himself as objects. By viewing and acting as though man is an object, the sovereignty of God is repudiated.  True productivity is the result of acknowledging that personal actions can produce positive results. It’s the essence of the commandment ‘be fruitful and multiply’. Unfortunately, through deception of the soul’s adversary, there is encouragement for man to become an obstacle to their neighbor’s fulfillment of the commandment.

                In understanding self there’s a realization and acceptance of strengths and weaknesses. Man faces reality; dealing honestly with issues, not suppressing them. The result is man becomes a living epistle; develops a testimony. Many individuals have experiences but very few have testimonies. When a person provides a testimony, there’s no pride or shame. It’s given in accordance with the character of God. There’s glory given to God. In contrast, when a person recites experiences, there’s great concern about public image or personal pride. A testimony confirms that the character of God is able to bring forth life from a death-like situation.

                In understanding self, there’s humility before God. There’s realization that humility is not self-abasement or self-abuse (e.g. self-talk that states ‘I’m nothing’, but rather humility recognizes that man is unique creation, “I’m somebody’; there’s personal confidence). In fact, self-abasement or self-abuse is actually deceptive insomuch it denies the sovereignty of God.

Further Reading

Related Blog --- Seeing Invisible

Video --- Knowing Identity

Chapter 1

Open our eyes, O Lord that we may behold thy wondrous truth that endureth through all generations.

“Knowledge shall be increased.” --- Daniel 12:4

                The 21st century dawned in the Information Age. It’s an age in which a person may obtain knowledge with just a click of a button. The adage, “Knowledge is power” encourages the quest for more knowledge. Many people may believe knowledge itself brings forth strength and skill. However like water, knowledge is ‘dead’ unless it is put into action. This is the essence of wisdom and it involves understanding.

“The fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.”  --- Job 28:28

                Humility puts knowledge into action and allows for the development of understanding. Humility involves obedience unto the Lord God. Obedience is the submission and commission unto God from a willing heart. There is no coercion utilized to bring forth obedience unto God. All actions are done of own freewill, thereby God is glorified. Man has chastened himself before the Lord God. Chastened refers to humility. There is a realization from man that understanding is obtained from teaching and instruction.

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations…

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.   ---Matthew 28:19-20

                The man who has understanding obtains favor with God and man. There is a move from believing God to increased trust in the Lord God. The trust is based on understanding the nature of God and the recognition of His sovereignty. Faith becomes more than a statement of belief in God. Faith becomes a confidence in the nature of God. Despite the circumstances or obstacles, the confident belief is ‘God is able’. The impossible seems possible. The formidable seems conquerable. Hope is produced. Whether the outcome is favorable or unfavorable man has the assurance, ‘God is in control’. Man has no immature view of God. There is awareness that ‘God is Sovereign’.

The speech of a man with understanding is in accordance with the word of God. Man becomes a true worshipper. Actions and speech are in agreement. Motives i.e. the intents of the heart are pure. Man expresses the character of God. Man becomes a living epistle; a living expression of the word of God. (Now, a word is an expression of thought, has the power to set events in motion and bring forth the cessation of complacency and/or stagnation). Man becomes as a ‘pebble-in-a-pond’. The mere presence of a man with understanding causes ‘ripples’ or events to happen Through no deliberate effort, his presence motivates others to cease from complacency and do well. The person is an agent of change. A man with understanding becomes a real ‘mover and shaker’ whether others do well in pretense or truth i.e. with pure motives. Man becomes a witness to the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ. The testimony that declares the Lord God Almighty is the only true and living God; His character is living and has the power to restore life unto that which is dead.

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony.”  --- Revelation 12:11

>>>>> Practical Points

Definitions                           Understanding                                    Vision

                                                Perception                                           Perception

                                                Comprehension                                   Comprehend

                                                Knowing                                              Knowledge from perceiving

                                                Insight                                                  Insight

        Elucidating glimpse

                                                                                                             Discernment; discern true nature

                                                                                                             Involves a goal and process i.e. the means of

        attaining goal

·         Notice the similarities between the two lists of definitions.

·         Notice that vision requires a goal and a process. Often the problem many individuals and organizations have when it comes to formulating a vision is not the goal itself, but the process. Examples may be observed in many areas of society. The process aspect of vision formulation may be argued as being the primary source of conflict between different groups in society. It may be argued that failure to consider the process aspect of vision formulation may cause serious organizational problems.

Results from lack of:         Understanding                                     Vision

                                                     Famine                                                               Judgment of God

                                                     Easy to be deceived                                           Spiritual eyes blinded

                                                     Death                                                                 Death

          Pride                                                                  Pride

          Bigotry                                                              Bigotry

          Respecter of Persons                                        Respecter of Persons

                                                                                    Reprobate; Iniquitous

                                                                                   No understanding of the Lord God

                                                                                   Organizational Dysfunction

·         Notice the similarities between the two lists.

>>>>> Practical Examples

·         The scripture, Psalms 19:2 states heaven and earth showeth knowledge. Man has the opportunity to receive the knowledge daily. The knowledge itself is void unless it is applied. Science, from the Latin word, ‘scientia’ meaning knowledge, adds value to any attainment of knowledge when it shows forth the potential application.

·         The Bureau of Motor Vehicles i.e. the license branch requires understanding regarding an individual’s ability to drive a motor vehicle. A person may believe s/he knows how to drive a car, but the license branch wants an individual to understand how to drive a car and the responsibilities associated with it. The license branch offers classes and manuals to provide instruction for the purpose of obtaining understanding. The attainment of understanding is often measured via written/computer test (knowledge) and demonstrated via driving test (application).

Vision Problems                                                 Organizational Processes

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”  --- Proverbs 29:18

Myopia                                                                  Short-term focus/tactical planning only

Hyperopia                                                             Long-term focus/strategic planning only

Astigmatism                                                         Uneven development of organizational members

Glaucoma                                                             Inflexibility; Slow or lack of response to changes in


Blindness                                                              Trial-and-Error approach

Detached Retina                                                  Relational disconnect

Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses                               Consulting (the difference between two corrective actions is

     the relational proximity)

Surgery                                                                Re-structuring

>>>>> Focus

Book of Genesis                                 Jeremiah 3:15; 39:7              Joel 2:28

Book of Job                                         Isaiah 26:7                           Habakkuk 2:4

Book of Proverbs                                Hosea 4:6

Book of Psalms                                   Amos 3:3

Luke 2:52                                            John 1; 4; 5:30; 6:38-40

Romans 1:17-32; 6:23; 8:8, 14-17; 12:2                                       John 14-17

Hebrews 10-11:1                                 I Corinthians 8                 II Corinthians 3:1-3           

Galatians 3:11, 26-29; 4:1-7               Ephesians 3         

I Timothy 3:16                                   James 1:21-25; 2:20; 4:17

II Peter 1:3

Part 2 --- Introduction

“Ask and it shall be given unto you. Seek and ye shall find” --- Jesus Christ

Several years ago I was walking towards the doors of the church building after bible class. I looked back towards the pulpit and notice the Spirit of the Lord God was resting on Elder Vaughn. As I looked at him I discern he had an intimate relationship with God, a father-son relationship. As I continued to look at him I made the statement, “I want that type of relationship with God. I want a double portion.” I have shared this recollection with friends and family. The following is a sample of their responses.

“No wonder you are having troubles. You don’t realize what he had to go through to get that type of relationship. You don’t realize what he had to go through for you to even discern the presence of that relationship. He told the congregation some of his experiences, however we don’t do not know fully --- the emotional and mental aspects of his sufferings.”

>>>>> Practical Points

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness;

 and all these things shall be added unto you.”  --- Matthew 6:33

When Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit to be upon himself, Elisha was asking for an abundant measure of the intimate relationship that he had noticed Elijah had with God. (cf. II Kings 2)

“Where I am, there you may be also” --- Jesus Christ

A son is that which reveals the character of the father. Now a ‘double portion’ refers to the unique relationship between a father and his firstborn son. The firstborn son is often viewed as the pride and glory of the father. This awareness may allow the development of an intimate relationship between father and son. A ‘double portion’ refers to the practice, primogeniture whereby the firstborn son receives a double portion of the father’s inheritance in comparative measure to siblings. The son’s receipt of his inheritance is based on his relationship with the father. Man tends to focus on the tangible or observable benefits received from God, but forgets the most important thing is the relationship between God and Man.

Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God. Jesus showed forth intimacy with God. (cf. John 17:20-25)  Man is made heirs of God through Jesus Christ. Now there is an opportunity for man to receive the benefits of an intimate relationship with God Almighty, yes even a ‘double portion’.  Receiving a 'double portion' should produce an appreciation of God's grace, not selfish pride.

“The works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do.  

--- Jesus Christ, John 14:12


"This is my testimony everybody, how God favored me in spite of my enemies, and if God did it for me he'll do the same thing for you. Don't worry about your haters your haters can't do nothing with you. Listen to these words"


·         Man should make requests unto God with right motives of the heart; and in accordance with the divine will of God.

·         Man’s requests should help develop a more intimate relationship with God, foremost.

·         Requests granted by God may involve great suffering. Man must be willing to endure suffering.


District Elder Vaughn was a studious teacher. He sought to know God and His righteousness. God allowed Elder Vaughn to begin to know of Him. God gave unto Elder Vaughn a vision: Many people from different backgrounds came to know God; understand Him. Many people receive the understanding of the Lord God Almighty.

God gave revelations unto Elder Vaughn to teach and enlighten man concerning the divine will of God and bring forth the fulfillment of the vision. Much opposition to the revelations took place, causing confusion and division, even to the present day. Many opinions have been expressed over the years. Some ministers vacillate between different opinions depending on the audience. One day I asked God about the particular teaching concerning the first and second man Adam, saying “Who is right? Did Elder Vaughn make a mistake in the interpretation of scriptures? ‘The scriptures say…’ and  Who is right? What is right?” Soon thereafter the Lord God enlightened me and my initial response was surprise, excitement, and the following exclamations:

“No wonder the adversary [Lucifer, the Gates of Hell] fought against this revelation!”

“If people understood this our marriages, homes, schools, and churches would be better!”

If people understood this the world would be better!”

Through this enlightenment, God gave unto me a more thorough understanding of the levitical priesthood; the responsibilities of leadership and the household of faith. Through this enlightenment, God gave unto me a more thorough understanding of ‘Holy Communion’; The Death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ on Golgotha; Death in general; and the purpose of salvation i.e. the redemption of man; the Ministry of Reconciliation. God gave unto me a more thorough understanding of the inter-relationship of the sermon series’: ‘Danger of Voices’; ‘Confusion’; and ‘The Five Key Mothers of the Bible’. In summary, God allowed me to understand more of the ‘big picture’ regarding the divine will of God and its relationship to man.

·         Man should be willing to accept whatever answer God may give, even if it counters previously held beliefs, teachings, and traditions.

·         Man should realize that whatever answer God gives will be in accordance with His divine will. God cannot deny Himself or His word.

·         Though they may be useful, educational attainment, theological research, bible aids, or ‘linking’ scriptures are not the sources of understanding God. As the scripture states, “It’s not by power, nor by might, but by my Spirit’ saith the Lord.”

While talking to Evangelist Schmidt (a pseudonym) concerning the subject, first and second man Adam, she mentioned she had been confused in the past concerning the revelation. She continued saying now it’s plain to understand and “It’s the word!” She encouraged and confirmed my desire to write a book on the subject matter, ‘Understanding’ using the knowledge and insight the Lord God gave me. When I was a child I would read about Joseph and Daniel. I was always interested in the fact that both of them were described as having understanding. I wanted to be full of understanding. One day one of my sisters made the comment, “God has blessed you with understanding.” I learned the meaning of my name shows forth the essence regarding the purpose of this publication. My name means ‘One who imparts understanding’. I believe God gave me a more thorough understanding of Elder Vaughn’s teachings to finish what he had desired to do --- impart understanding to people through the writing of a book.

“Write the vision, make it plain upon the table, that he may run that readeth it.

For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie:

 though it tarry, wait for it.


>>>>> Inspiration

The Vision is For An Appointed Time


The vision is for an appointed time

Publish it here and abroad.

Many shall understand and rejoice.

Wait on it!

The vision is for an appointed time.

No one can hurry the fulfillment thereof.

The time and season only God doth know;

Wait on it!

The vision is for an appointed time.

It shall speak and not lie.

God has declared its end from the start.

Wait on it!

Wait on it!

Wait on it!

God shall perform it.

Just believe it.

Wait on it!


Part 1 --- Introduction

God is concern about the whole man: body, soul, and spirit. The words of the Lord are and always have been practical precepts for daily living. Man has misinterpret the meaning and historical lessons of the words of the Lord God. Confusion has resulted. Man has not been able to enjoy productivity, not just in dollars and cents, but in morale, fulfillment/accomplishment, and general progress. Understanding is essential.

“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word proceedeth

 out of the mouth of God.”  ---Matthew 4:4

Many ministers have taught that understanding is not necessary and that an individual needs to just believe God. Blasphemy was committed against God. There is no realization that the necessity of understanding flows throughout the word of God like water. Response to such statements is “Lord God, forgive them for they know not what they do.” (Forgiveness extends mercy to man, provides an opportunity for repentance). Understanding God, not His ways, is the purpose of the scriptures.

“Behold the days come, saith the Lord God, that will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing [understanding] the words of the Lord.”   ---Amos 8:11

                In the word of God “bread” is often referred to as the sustenance of life. Water is often depicted as a dead entity unless it is flowing water, which is referred to as living water. Water, an entity though dead may be converted to life or something useful. The aforementioned scripture speaks of a time when there will be no lack of the sustenance of life, nor of the raw materials or resources to convert to the sustenance of life. The scripture speaks of a time when there will be no understanding the words of the Lord in daily practical living. The scripture speaks of modern times; Today.


Controversy and controversial topics have developed in the household of faith. Results have been divisions and schisms among its members, pride, fear, sin, jealousy, and a lack of wholly experiencing the manifestations of the power of God due to lack of understanding. The following is a comprehensive work that endeavors to impart in “plain speech” the word of the Lord God. The result shall be an adult or a child; rich or poor; learned or unlearned should not err in the way of holiness. The result shall be a beginning in wholly experiencing the reality of understanding God…knowing God is sovereign.


This exposition shall discuss the following:

·         The necessity and utility of understanding

·         The dynamics between understanding and relationships

·         Relationship between understanding and healing of the whole man: body, soul, and spirit

·         Relationship between understanding, believing, trust, and faith

·         Relationship between understanding and repentance

·         Relationship between understanding and the receiving of the Holy Spirit

·         Relationship between understanding and ‘speaking in tongues’; ‘being anointed, the anointing’; being ‘born again’

·         Relationship between understanding and partaking

·         Relationship between understanding and ‘holy communion’

·         Relationship between understanding and the significance of water

·         Relationship between understanding, power, authority, and leadership

·         Relationship between understanding and change

·         Relationship between understanding and technology

·         Relationship between understanding and the ‘signs of the times’; and prophecy

·         Relationship between understanding and the AntiChrist; and the man of Sin

·         Relationship between understanding and the utility of types, shadows, and parables

·         Relationship Between understanding and creation

·         Relationship between understanding and the identity of man; freewill; name; and the systematic study, ‘The Doctrine of Man versus The Doctrines of Man’

·         Relationship between understanding and the law of suffering

·         Relationship between understanding, interpersonal interactions, communications, the significance of testimonials, empathy, listening, and intimacy

·         Relationship between understanding, responsibility, respect, love, offences, confession, forgiveness;  and the Ministry of Reconciliation

·         Relationship between understanding and works of the ministry

·         Relationship between understanding and spiritual warfare

·         Relationship between understanding and the gifts of the Spirit; the fruit of the Spirit

·         Relationship between understanding, blessings, and miracles

·         Relationship between understanding and controversies (theological, sociological, etc)

·         Relationship between understanding and unity

·         Relationship between understanding and the significance of the sermon series’: The Tabernacle; ‘Danger of Voices’; ‘Confusion’; ‘The Blueprint and the Masterpiece’; and ‘The Revelation of the Five Key Mothers of the Bible’

·         Relationship between understanding and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ (the life, death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ)

·         Relationship between understanding, salvation, and holiness

·         Relationship between understanding, productivity, and life

·         Relationship between understanding and the divine will of the Lord God Almighty

The comprehensive nature of this publication refers to the depth not necessarily the length or thoroughness of the topical discussions. The section, ‘Practical Points’ provides biblical and practical examples; etymological, scientific, archeological, and historical contexts for clarification. The section, ‘Illumination’ provides activities to increase practical utility. The section, ‘Focus’ provides scriptural references to enhance further study of the subject matter, understanding. A person does not have to believe what’s written herein without confirming the truth of the matter with the scriptures; the word of God. The section, ‘Inspiration’ provides essays, poems, and songs for illustrative, expository, and edification purposes. This work has been prayerfully written and compiled. Its purpose is to reveal the divine will of God i.e. show forth His character. This work is also a tribute to District Elder Edwin Hamilton Vaughn.